Pastor Rick Warren and leaders from churches across Latin America came together at TRANSFORMACION 24 at Agua Viva Church in Lima, Peru last month to share the Finishing the Task vision with approximately 16,000 church members and leaders gathered from across the region. The multiple day event introduced these churches to the Healthy Church principles with inspired teaching by pastors Israel Chapparo, David Scarpeta, Rodrigo Palmer, and Carla Hornung.
Pastor Rick explained to the crowd that this was their opportunity, “…to be a part of the most historic period in church history.”
He went on to explain:
In just nine years, 2033, that is the 2,000th birthday of Christianity. Let me explain this. Today, the whole world says, this is 2024. The whole world says it’s 2024. 2024 from what? From the birth of Christ. So according to our calendar, Jesus was born in year zero.
Now, in the Bible, it tells us that Jesus started his public ministry when he was 30 years old. It tells us that in Luke. That’s very normal, because most rabbis, Jewish rabbis began their public ministry when they were 30. The Bible tells us that Jesus had a three to a three-and-a-half-year ministry.
So, we know that Jesus died on the cross in 33 AD. We know that Jesus rose from the grave in 33 AD. Jesus gave the great commission in 33 AD. Jesus ascended back to heaven In 33 AD. And Jesus sent the Holy Spirit to start the Christian Church on Pentecost in 33 AD.
Now, here’s what’s exciting. In just nine years, Pentecost Sunday, June 5, 2033, is the 2,000th birthday of the church, and you get to be alive in it. It’ll be the birthday of the body of Christ. This is a historic date.
So, what do we give Jesus for the 2,000th birthday of His Body on earth? What birthday gift do we give to our Savior who died for us on the cross? We give Him what He wants most. He wants His lost children found. And so, all around the world, Christians of every kind are planning to complete the Great Commission by 2033. And I came to Lima to ask, is there anybody here who wants to join us?
Those present said that the energy in the room was electric and the Holy Spirit’s presence was clearly felt as thousands responded to the call.
To be a part of the action view all the Health Church sessions about Finishing the Task at the TRANSFORMACION 24 conference, visit our FTT Training Platform.