Explore Our Resources
Dive deeper into tools designed to help you play your part in finishing the task by 2033.

Prayer Guides & Devotionals
Whether you want to take a guided walk through Scripture for a week, or pray specifically for the unreached every week of the year, these devotional resources and prayer guides will help you and your church members align with God’s heart for the lost.
Access and share the Word of God in nearly 2000 languages
Created through the efforts of FTT partner Faith Comes by Hearing, Bible.is offers avenues to hear, read, and watch the Bible in 1,800+ languages and counting.
Audio Verses
Listen to the Bible anytime, anywhere, and experience its transformative power.
Stream the Gospel
Watch excellent word-for-word Gospel Films about the life and ministry of Jesus in 1400+ languages.
Share Verses
Easily share your favorite Bible verses with friends and family through social media.

Media Library
Learn and Get Inspired With Our Curated Selection of Videos
Explore video resources to grow deeper in your understanding of the Great Commission and the 2033 goals. These videos are great tools you can use to equip and inspire your congregation and community.
White Papers
Learn More About Finishing the Task
These White Papers explore ‘Finishing the Task,’ a global initiative to fulfill the Great Commission by 2033. Covering strategic collaboration, the revitalization of evangelism, and lessons from the Early Church, they offer a blueprint for spreading the Gospel worldwide and addressing the shifting landscape of global Christianity.