This year, the Collegiate Day of Prayer became a pivotal moment for college students and young adults around the globe, igniting a passion for the Great Commission and the mission of completing the task of global evangelism by 2033. This annual event, which began just six years ago, is actually a resurrection of a century-old tradition. For almost 100 years, churches gathered annually in February to pray for college students and campuses. When the tradition faded, a diverse group of campus ministries came together to revive it, forming what is now known as the Coalition of Collegiate Ministries.

Led by ministries like Campus Crusade, InterVarsity, Young Life, and Navigators, this coalition unites leaders from various denominations and campus organizations. Their monthly Zoom meetings provide mentorship and coaching, and they collaborate in powerful ways to support young adults in their faith journeys. One of the most powerful moments of this collective effort comes each year during the Collegiate Day of Prayer (CDOP). 

Last year, over 4,200 U.S. college campuses were “adopted” during CDOP, with individuals and groups committing to pray for each campus throughout the year. These prayers are not only for the students but for the very heart of college ministry across the country.

FTT’s Pastor Rick Warren has been involved in mentoring the coalition and encouraged them to take the vision of CDOP global: “I said, guys, you’re not thinking big enough. You’re just thinking of the United States. I said, there are 26,000 colleges in the world and 254 million college students. That is a sleeping giant waiting to be awakened!” The result was this this year was the first global Collegiate Day of Prayer, simulcasting to universities and colleges across the globe. 

Pastor Rick provided the closing message at Texas A&M University, where 6,000-7,000 students gather weekly for worship and prayer. There, he led thousands of students in prayer, not just for their campuses but for the fulfillment of the Great Commission. “What a sight it was to see thousands of college students on their knees as I’m leading them in a prayer to complete the Great Commission by 2033. There were a lot of tears. To hear them praying aloud as I was leading them in a finishing the task prayer, that was quite a moving thing.”

This year, as college students continue to rally in prayer, they are reminded of their role in a much larger mission: reaching the world for Christ and finishing the task. As they pray, Christians around the globe are praying for them, as thousands of colleges have been adopted by churches and believers as the focus of concerted prayer this year!

You can watch Pastor Rick’s full message below:

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