There are over two billion Catholics, Protestants, and Evangelicals in the world today. If every Christ-follower committed to praying for five people daily, simple math shows us that we could pray for everyone. It will be more difficult in countries with a low percentage of Christians, but with God, all things are possible.
This strategy is simple, doable, and scalable. Nearly every child, teenager, and adult know five people they can pray for and share Jesus with—five friends, neighbors, family members, classmates, teammates, and co-workers.
Is praying for five people the magic formula for bringing billions to Jesus? Of course not! It’s merely one strategy God is blessing. In the past year, we prayed for over 500 million people by name using this simple strategy. We promote praying for five because it is a doable number for every believer. But you can pray for three, five, or ten—however the Lord leads you.
I know you are busy and maxed out; I get it—I am, too. But could you take five minutes a day and pray for five people far from God? I’m not asking for five hours—just five minutes. What do you say? Could you spare five minutes daily to impact someone’s eternity?
I know what you are thinking: Can praying for five people really make a difference? Let me share a story that will inspire and encourage you.
George Müller was a Christian evangelist who cared for over 10,000 orphans and established 117 schools in his lifetime. He shared this incredible story about praying for five people in his journal.[1]
“In November 1844, I began to pray for the conversion of five individuals. I prayed every day without one single intermission, whether sick or in health, on the land or on the sea, and whatever the pressure of my engagements might be. Eighteen months elapsed before the first of the five was converted. I thanked God, and prayed on for the others.”
“Five years elapsed, and then the second one was converted. I thanked God for the second, and prayed on for the other three. Day by day I continued to pray for them and six years more passed before the third was converted. I thanked God for the three, and went on praying for the other two. These two remain unconverted.”
“…[I have] been praying day by day for nearly thirty-six years for the conversion of these two individuals, and yet they remain unconverted; for next November it will be thirty-six years since I began to pray for their conversion. But I hope in God, I pray on, and look yet for the answer.”
One of the two men was saved before Müller died in 1898, and the other surrendered his life to Christ afterward. He prayed for his five friends for over fifty-four years! Talk about perseverance in prayer!
I’m not asking you to pray for five people for a few weeks or months. I’m encouraging you to adopt them in prayer and pray for them as long as it takes until they accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior, even if it takes fifty-four years.
And once they accept Jesus as their Savior, continue praying for them and encourage them to adopt five people in prayer. Your prayers can transform their lives and the lives they will touch.
Everybody can pray for somebody, and together we can pray for everybody.
Who is your somebody?
Why don’t you take five minutes and pray for five people you know who are far from God? Your prayers will impact them for eternity.
[1] “Category: Evangelism.” GeorgeMuller.org, 8 June 2017, https:// www.georgemuller.org/quotes/category/evangelism. Accessed 7 Mar. 2023.

Brian Alarid is the President of World Prays and the Chairman of Pray For All. He is the author of two books: When People Pray and By Name. Brian serves on the leadership team of the FTT prayer task force. You can contact Brian at [email protected] or follow him on social media @BrianAlarid.