Global 2033 convened two International Leaders Summits from the 5th to the 11th of February 2024 in Kraków, Poland.
In the “1st G33 Women of Influence Summit – “WINS,” held February 5-8th, 43 women from 15 countries participated. “WINS” is an initiative of the Global2033 of empowering and equipping women as active agents to fulfill the “Great Commission” in this decade leading to 2033, the two thousandth anniversary of the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. At the Summit the dignity and vocation of women were explored and highlighted, based on the meaning the Hebrew word “EZER” in Genesis 2:18. “WINS” was chaired by Dr. Sabina Cappello Lee, supported by a team of international women leaders.
Following “WINS”, the “2nd Global2033 International Leaders’ Summit” was convened. This gathering comprised of 160 delegates from 36 countries representing over 120 ecclesial communities, ministries, movements, organizations and Dioceses committed to the evangelization of the nations and the revitalization of the Church. The Summit was a true expression of unity in the life and mission of the Church, grounded in a posture of discerning the Spirit at work in the Universal Church.
With Catholic and non-Catholic, lay and religious, senior and emerging leaders representing a diverse array of realities, the Summit explored the challenges, opportunities and realities of our shared pursuit in fulfilling the Great Commission and the Great Commandment over “This Decade”.
Henry Cappello, the International Director of Global 2033, stated, “The vision to proclaim the Gospel to the ‘ends of the earth’ (Acts 1:8), requires, most of all, humility, expressed through unprecedented collaboration and partnerships, effective strategies, and tools relevant to each people groups, across all life and faith stages, geographical and cultural backgrounds.” In this pursuit, there was a shared sentiment that we must move from intention to action that leads to impact. This requires a renewed personal commitment to the work of evangelization. Drawing on this, a significant theme throughout the Summit was of the new and emerging paradigm that prioritizes “unity in mission.” This can be articulated as a movement from ‘fellowship’ to ‘collaboration’ in the Spirit. Creating a platform for such collaboration to begin is a unique contribution and distinct charism that Global 2033 contributes to the Church.
An extended summary will be provided in the coming week and available at