What can we do for a generation that is struggling and lost? What can be done for our young people who have so much weight to bear?
In 1823 every major denomination and university in the US adopted one day as a “Day of Prayer for Colleges.” They saw the power of God move mightily in their young people as they united together in prayer. After decades of fruitfulness, this day of prayer slowly faded from the scene.
When, in 2009, nine college ministry leaders heard the stories of these historic rhythms of prayer and their effect, their hearts burned to see the same happen in our day. And so the Collegiate Day of Prayer was reborn.
We now gather the body of Christ on the Last Thursday of every February to cry out for students and campuses. We want to see Him move in the lives of young people across the earth just like He did over 200 years ago.
Is the Lord intentionally calling His people back to the bond between united prayer, revival, and the spiritual state of our campuses and nations? Will we see a united cry once again lifted by the global Body of Christ unto a breaking forth of God’s Spirit into the dark state of our colleges today? There’s only one way to know. Will you pray?
Visit https://collegiatedayofprayer.org/ to watch the simulcast or adopt a campus!